Any student that will take a prescription and/or nonprescription medication during school hours must have a Medication Authorization Form filled out and signed by the parent/guardian prior to medication being dispensed. Prescription medications being taken at school require a physician's signature. Be sure to include child's name, name of medication, amount to be taken, and time to be given. Non-prescription medications must be in the original manufacturer’s container.

All medications must be sent to school in the original pharmacy container with the student's name printed on the label as well as the medication and dosage to be administered.

If your child carries an inhaler and/or an Epi-pen with him or her (in backpack, pocket, desk, or locker), a written Self-Carry Permission Formincluding student, parent, and physician signature, must be kept on file in the health office. The ability to self-carry is a privilege, and may be revoked if the student cannot safely self-carry or self-administer the medication

If there are any questions or concerns please contact the health office at your child's school.

Medication Policy Forms
516 Student Medication (May 2023)
Medication Authorization Form